UCD/NOAA Climate Station
Davis 2 WSW Exp Farm Davis, California: 38 32 07 N, 121 46 30 W, Elevation 60 ft

Five Day History
5 Day History

5 Day History

5 Day History

5 Day History

(Data missing from these images is due to web automation errors, not actual data loss)

Monthly Climate Summary Reports
Observed at the UCD/NOAA Climate Station
at 1:00 am on 6/21
Wind Direction
1011 mb
Relative Humidity
99 %
Wind Speed (mph)
UCD/NOAA Monthly Climate Summaries are now available through email by subscribing to climate-summary@ucdavis.edu. To find out more click here.

Climate Analysis
Temperature and Precipitation
Monthly Min/Max/Ave Temp & Ave Precip
The above image(s) provided by
Dr. B.C.Weare
For daily observations, call (530)752-8933 Recorded message is updated between 7:00 & 9:00 AM PST (precip, air temp, wind, sky, time of obs)

Davis Climate Data Sources

University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Project
California Weather Databases
CIMIS and NOAA Daily Weather Data
Daily Data (touchtone system)
(precip, air temp, soil temp, evap, wind, sky)
Climatic Averages
(precip, air temp, soil temp, evap, solar)
PestCast Research Weather Database
30 Minute Data
Hourly Data
Daily Data
(air temp, humidity, leaf wetness, other ag)

USDA UVB Radiation Monitoring Program
UVB Climate Network
Weekly Data
(UVB, air temp, humidity)
National Atmospheric Deposition Program
NADP/NTN Deposition Monitoring
Annual, Monthly, Weekly and Daily Data
(precip, pH, Conductivity, Ca, Mg, K, Na, NH4, NO3, Cl, SO4)

United States Historical Climatology Network (U.S. HCN)
U.S. Historical Climatology Network
Monthly Min Temperature
Monthly Max Temperature
Monthly Mean Temperature
Monthly Precipitation

National Climatic Data Center
NCDC/NOAA Climate Data
Description, History, and Data Inventories

Requesting UCD Climate Data

UCD Climate Data is available upon request from the UCD Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources.

Data Types Available

To request data by telephone call (530)752-1929.

To request data by mail send a detailed description of your request to:

UCD/NOAA Climate Station
Land, Air, and Water Resources
University of California
One Shields Avenue
Davis, California 95616-8627

Please include a telephone number and email address if you would prefer to receive data electronically.

Send Questions and Comments to wxauto@ucdavis.edu
Please DO NOT Send Data Requests to this address!